Friday, May 18, 2012

Childhood Friends

Friends seem to come and go in Luis's life and not because they chose to leave but because in one way or another they seemed to die around him. At age 10 he experiences a friend dying for the first time when he and his friend Tino are chased by police for playing the part after hours and Tino falls from a roof to his death.

His next group of friends include Clavo, Wilo, and Chicharron together at age 13 and 14 they formed "the Southside Boys" (p52). The would later join the Tribe together after running into another childhood friend Miguel who was already in the Tribe. Clavo is later shot, loosing an eye after which he disappears. Wilo tries to move away from the gang violence but is killed 10 days after he moves. Chicharron ends up going to prison at the age of 17 when he is found guilty for accessory to murder. Miguel is killed by a police officer when he hops on an officer to help his brother who is wanted for outstanding warrants.


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