Friday, May 18, 2012

My thoughts

After reading the book Always Running by Luis Rodriguez it showed why someone would feel pushed into the gang life. It was a way to fit in a way to feel like you had someone by your side in a place where you felt completely unwanted. After looking up the book in images I saw the original book cover and came to realize that I have had this book in my collection for years (taken from my older sister) and had never even thought twice about reading it. Now I'm looking forward to reading It Calls You Back. Although Luis Rodriguez turned out to be a success story his story shows how not everyone is as lucky. These were children being killed over land that was never theirs to begin with. Overall it was a great book that takes you through the mind of a boy who from day one in school felt that he was in a society that did not want him. It shows how lower class Mexicans did what they could but unable to speak the language were powerless to defend themselves in a land that openly showed the fact that they saw them as lower beings.


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