Friday, May 18, 2012


At Chente's request Luis returns to high school and begins to get involved with the Chicano groups. He organizes walk outs to stand up for the rights of Mexicans. He becomes a popular student and joins a student council type of group with the white students in order to try and make the school a better place.

While in high school Luis is arrested twice once for helping a women who was getting beat by the police for being drunk and disorderly, he goes on to have a short relationship with this older women. The second he is arrested for attempted murder, this time his mother didn't come to his rescue. Chente however was there to help him out. The police who arrested decided to let him sly in order to pin the murder on another person named Roger who was the one who supplied the guns. Since Roger was not at the scent the cops could not keep their stories straight and Roger was found not guilty.

After Luis graduate he attends college for a while. After the members of his own gang, the friends he grew up with and called brothers shoot him he decides to leave. "The homeboys tried to  kill me, vatos whom I had known as brothers, with whom I scurried down muddy streets and slept next to in jail, with whom I partied and hung out in front of courthouses and the fields; they were dude I fought for and with I shared a taste of la carga. I would have died for them." (238)

Voice Summary


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